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The classic Windows Game Minesweeper

The classic Windows Game Minesweeper

Written in Java with Model-View-Controller Architecture


Table of Contents

How to start

If you want to contribute, you only have to clone or fork my Code. Then make your changes, commit, push and send me a pull request. So I have the opportunity to improve the project.

Just Playing

You have to install Java. After this, you can download the executable Programm straight from here. Now you are ready to start playing. Have fun!

Please note that at the location where you put the File on your PC, the program creates three Text Files. They are required for the Game to save your Highscore.

If you find any bug in the code or have any improvements in mind then feel free to generate a pull request or contact me.

New Features


  1. Understand the principles behind Minesweeper. Each Minesweeper game starts out with a grid of unmarked squares. After clicking one of these squares, some of the squares will disappear, some will remain blank, and some will have numbers on them. It’s your job to use the numbers to figure out which of the blank squares have mines and which are safe to click.

    • Minesweeper is similar to a Sudoku puzzle in that your success is largely contingent on being able to eliminate possible answers until only one answer remains.
  2. Use the mouse’s left and right buttons. The mouse is the only tool that you’ll need to play Minesweeper. The left mouse button is used to click squares that don’t contain mines, while the right mouse button is used to flag squares that contain mines.

    • On higher difficulties, you’ll need to mark squares that you suspect contain mines until you can verify that they do contain mines.
  3. Know what the numbers mean. A number on a square refers to the number of mines that are currently touching that square. For example, if there are two squares touching each other and one of the squares has “1” on it, you know that the square next to it has a mine beneath it.

If you do not know how to continue, you can click the question mark at the menubar. The opened square gets yellow marked. Please note that this function has a cooldown timer.

There are three different difficulty level:

Facts about my Game

I started coding this Game on April 19 in 2019, after I taught myself the basics of Java. Java was my second huge Coding language. The first playable and stable Version was finished after only two days of extensive coding. But the semester became more difficult so I had to pause the project a bit. In August I found time again to write new features.

Overall the project now has over 3.000 lines of Code. And nearly 200 commits.
